Navigating change

We strongly believe that the best way to prepare for the incoming change at a global scale, is to have clear and reliable information, as well as insights from those making the decisions that set the path for organizations and public policies.

Connecting leaders

Lisbon AI Talks brings together CEOs, Executive Directors, Regulators, Public Officials as well as young and bright tech enthusiasts that will be at the forefront of tech innovation in the coming years.

Connecting leaders

Lisbon AI Talks brings together CEOs, Executive Directors, Regulators, Public Officials as well as young and bright tech enthusiasts that will be at the forefront of tech innovation in the coming years.


Starkdata White Logo

Starkdata is a Portuguese AI and Machine Learning startup, helping businesses to deploy quickly and reliably the power of AI in Banking, Retail, Government and Healthcare, with its groundbreaking AI SaaS platform.

Keep me posted

Lisbon AI Talks is a forum with premium content on Enterprise AI, for decision makers in the private and public sectors.

We have a limited number of seats available, so if you are interested in attending please fill out this form.

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Live workshops

Learn & grow with live workshops.

Live design workshops allow you to see how designers work in real time, and you can learn with your peers.

The event has reached its full capacity

We are currently working on increasing the venue's capacity.

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Lisbon AI Talks

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Live workshops

Learn & grow with live workshops.

Live design workshops allow you to see how designers work in real time, and you can learn with your peers.